Typographic scenography – Coco mademoiselle
Coco mademoiselle and the use of the proverbs of the emblematic Mademoiselle Gabrielle Chanel
Staging scenographed of the proverbs of Mademoiselle Chanel. Podium and fashion show inspiration, Coco Mademoiselle inspiration mostly, Chanel inspiration ! Every detail is important ! in a global constancy and inconstancy, theme chosen here. All in a final deployment of the singular object. Which imposes itself in superposition of text texture materials and all harmoniously.
Written text, imagined for this project - Named : The essential
Original French version :
Un apparat qui s’ émeut en symbiose. Un creux empli de constances et d’inconstances. A la ferme appartenance transcendantale d’une âme ! Aux étendues fugaces et créatrice, d’un total lâcher prise, d’abondance..d’une effluve embaumante et soustrayant… Qui soumettra, vos sourires, murmures, et exaltations.. Vous domptera, et charmera au trépas d’un songe… Résonnera en écho.. pour incarner cet amour soudain Fondateur et révélateur..D’un mystère sous-jacent, certain.Car hier, aujourd’hui, ou demain, cette encolure couronnée de joie s’extirpera des méandres pour céder à l’engagement providentiel.
Léa Boussaid
English traduction :
« A symbiotic apparat, a hollow filled with constancy and inconstancy, with the firm transcendental belonging of a soul, with the fleeting and creative expanse of a total letting go, of abundance… of an embalming and subtracting effluvium that will subdue your smiles, murmurs and exaltations… Tame you, and charm you to a dream’s demise… Resonate in echoes… to embody this sudden love Founding and revealing… Of an underlying mystery, certain… For yesterday, today, or tomorrow, this neckline crowned with joy will extricate itself from the meanders to yield to providential commitment. »